How do you recognize quality stainless steel furniture?

In the catering and food industry, hygienic materials must be used when working with food. Which is stainless steel. But how do we know when stainless steel is good quality?

What stainless steel is and its composition and use and grading, properties including chemical composition and grade conversion table and its mechanical properties we have already explained to you in our article

<<Do you know what we use to make our works?

Stainless steel is a corrosion resistant steel. It is an important construction material for equipment for the chemical industry, food industry and especially for nuclear technology. Despite its corrosion-resistant properties, these steels also resist weathering. stainless steel acquisition

There is an opinion among the general public that stainless steel material must not be magnetic. But is it really so? No, it is not! It is the steel with a higher degree of iron content (for example AISI 430) that causes the magnetism in question, but it is still stainless steel. The disadvantage of this steel is that it is less resistant to acids than AISI 304 or AISI 316.

There is an opinion among laymen that stainless steel cannot corrode. Is this really so? No, it is not! Why?

According to the steel grade, different types of steel are resistant to acids and other substances. Therefore, for example, in cooking equipment (boilers, pans), the higher steel grade AISI 316 or AISI 316L is used, which is more resistant to acids, salt and temperature than the commonly used stainless steels of grade AISI 430 or AISI 304.

Stainless steel vomz

With commonly used AISI 304 food grade stainless steel, it is often the case that the use of concentrated cleaning agents (such as chlorine) causes surface corrosion. This phenomenon can also often be observed in swimming pool areas, unless a suitable type of stainless steel resistant to sanitizing agents is used. As with everything, stainless steel furniture should be properly cared for and maintained. Special chemicals are used for this purpose.

Static stainless steel furniture for the catering industry is mostly custom-made to the customer’s needs. Thanks to today’s modern technology, almost anything can be produced. It is always just a question of the final price and design.

With the hygienic class of products, both quality and price are rising

In cooking equipment (monoblocks) and in the transport system, especially in a hospital environment, the hygiene standard is further specified. The hygiene standard refers to the rounding profile of edges and joints with regard to the degree of hygiene. There are four basic hygiene classes – H0, H1, H2 and H3.

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According to the technical design of the joints and edges in the front, back, bottom and top of the device, the products are divided into three classes. As the H-grade increases, the degree of hygiene standard increases, but, of course, so does the price. For conventional stainless steel static furniture (tables, cabinets, shelves), the H0 grade is used.

Stainless steel can also have various surface treatments, such as pickling, polishing (mechanical or electrochemical), shot blasting (grinding the surface with glass beads), modelling, colouring.

stainless steel vomz

So, stainless steel furniture is among the most suitable kitchen equipment. If you want to complete or furnish your catering operation , contact us and we will be happy to design and manufacture customized stainless steel equipment for you.

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