For any type of restaurant, catering company or fast food or buffet, the kitchen is the heart and the main driving force. Running a facility efficiently and effectively may or may not be very costly. The success of your new restaurant depends not only on its design but on the functionality of your kitchen space. Doing it right means that your business will be booming and successful.
But be careful when furnishing any facility, there are three key points that you should pay special attention to.
Air handling and hoods
The key to the success of your kitchen is a quality exhaust system that is aesthetically pleasing, functional and well placed. You will achieve this with the help of professionals, which is what we are. With their expertise, installing an exhaust system in your kitchen will be affordable. This will save you from unnecessary stress.
These health and safety aspects of kitchen design need to be taken very seriously to ensure that your staff and guests are not exposed to any potential risks. A properly installed range hood helps to dissipate heat, moisture, and aierosols that are released when cooking in the kitchen to make the working environment safe and tolerable for your employees.
In addition to keeping your kitchen free of irritants, heat and odours, an extraction system is also important from a legal point of view (Public Health Authority (hygiene), occupational safety…..etc.).
>> Find out more about extraction in our article Digestor hoods and the importance of tempered air in professional kitchens
Professional appearance
Colourful and patterned tiles tiles or chipped varnish on the walls falling into the food…… simply catastrophic look of the kitchen. The argument that your kitchen is clean and has a professional look doesn’t hold water in this case. Consider interior wall cladding in the kitchen we recommend white, or tile or PVC or stainless steel wall cladding, wall paint may also be an option. Stainless steel furniture will give your kitchen an attractive and modern look that is also hygienic and easy to clean.
Kitchen equipment should be arranged strategically, according to what is most convenient and efficient for employees to maximize work efficiency. This so-called unidirectionality of the operation is, of course, determined by law according to the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, No. 533/2007 Coll., which before its opening is approved and later inspected by the Public Health Office (hygiene), among others.
In your kitchen, the right extraction will ensure fresh air at a tolerable temperature and cleanliness, which is helped by a correct and spectacular design, a practically clean and sustainable interior. And finally, a properly designed kitchen layout to meet hygiene requirements, legal standards and of course an efficient layout for staff.
Each company, investor has different requirements for the design and layout of the kitchen, i.e. its overall layout. If properly designed, your kitchen will be a safe and successful business.
Our company offers complete design, consulting services in the design of catering equipment, assembly, import and warranty and post-warranty service. We guarantee you quality and long life of the delivered equipment at competitive prices.